What a great 2021!
Yes, Your Place My Gym has more than 6 years in the industry! I can’t believe at beginning it was just myself and now we are 20 TRAINERS!
This year was challenging but absolutely AMAZING! We have more clients than ever and we are super proud to say we have a lot of families and couples training together. That’s why we will continue with our great deal: UP TO 3 PEOPLE CAN TRAIN FOR THE PRICE OF 1!
Some highlights from this year:
In July we bought a Boot Camp business in Scarborough and in October an small group class in Nedlands. The classes are going very well and we are happy to say YPMG is getting bigger!! We want to make more and more people happier and healthier. That’s our mission!

In October we offered a FREE Detox Plan for 21 days to all our clients.
On 13th December we raffled 4 Sessions for FREE and the winner was Andrew Hart. Congratulations to him!!!
I’m very excited to see what 2022 brings! LET’S KEEP ACTIVE!!